
Our Sponsors

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Why become a Summit Sponsor?

The Vision Zero Summit Japan 2022 is a world-class event organised by the leading international OSH-organisations, bringing together distinguished OSH-experts and senior OSH-managers from renowned enterprises.

As a sponsor, you will have a unique opportunity to profile your organization and engage with thousands of delegates from around the world.

In return for your sponsorship you will also get free access to attractive benefits, including free entries to the Summit for your organisation and business partners of your choice.

With a variety of sponsorship options available, you can increase your organization’s visibility on the international stage and build your global network.

Which categories of Sponsorship?

  • SILVER Sponsorship is the starting level, providing you with an attractive basic benefit package.
  • GOLD Sponsorship is the medium level, providing you with a very attractive extended benefit package.
  • PLATINUM Sponsorship is the highest level, providing you with our most attractive premium benefit package.


120 Entries
120 sec. of promotional video on event website
Promotional video broadcasted during Summit
Platinum stand at the virtual Summit Exhibition
Promotion banner during breaks


80 Entries
60 sec. of promotional video on event website
Promotional video broadcasted during Summit
Gold stand at the virtual Summit Exhibition
Promotion banner during breaks


30 Entries
30 sec. of promotional video on event website
Promotional video broadcasted during Summit
Silver stand at the virtual Summit Exhibition
Promotion banner during breaks

Are you interested?

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor of the Vision Zero Summit Japan 2022, please, fill in the form below and we’ll contact you to explain all details.



Level of sponsorship are you interested in

Comments & Questions