The ‘Tokyo Declaration on Vision Zero for All’ – join the new global OSH-Manifesto!

The ‘Tokyo Declaration on Vision Zero for All’ – join the new global OSH-Manifesto!

The recent Vision Zero Summit Japan 2022 demonstrated to the World that Vision Zero indeed is a powerful management mind-set, a holistic prevention strategy and an enabler of a business culture that cares about people.

During 16 parallel sessions more than 200 experts, from all regions of the World, shared unique insights into the practical application of the Vision Zero mind-set at enterprise level.

The main findings of the Vision Zero Summit have formed the basis of a new OSH Manifesto – the “Tokyo Declaration on Vision Zero for All”, which was presented and signed by 45 organizers, supporters and sponsors.

This Manifesto takes the Vision Zero message to an exciting new level, as we for the first time have a Vision Zero document that is developed and supported by all leading international OSH-organizations as well as many important national institutions.

Besides representing a global consensus about Vision Zero as a “compass” guiding all future prevention activities, it also issues a global call for action to ensure that “no one is left behind” – that Vision Zero must benefit all.

The Tokyo Declaration therefore does not limit its outreach to the traditional OSH-actors but includes all relevant sectors of society, such as education, environment and public health as well as voluntary organizations to join forces for a future without accidents, diseases and harm.

Everybody who shares the values of Vision Zero can sign up as supporter of the Tokyo Declaration – you are warmly invited to download the Tokyo Declaration, to sign up and to immediately receive your personal Supporter Certificate.

Go to and join the Global Vision Zero for All Community!