
Takashi Kawata
Takashi Kawata


Shimizu Corporation

Topic: Construction Industry: Improvement of OSH and Productivity

It is very important thing that to increase productivity and provide our clients with low-cost, high-quality constructions in corporations. But it’s needed to enormous effort to build a structure at a low cost, or keeping swift pace, while ensuring safety. What this means is that we have to ensure both safety and productivity as we can’t afford to cause our clients inconvenience, such as delays in construction schedules due to ensure safety. That’s why we in the construction industry are implementing initiatives to make Safety Improvement and Improvement productivity coexist. In short, we would like to discuss the coexistence of Improvement productivity and Safety Improvement in the corporations in this session. We would also like to set a slogan as a goal for the session. Finally, through these discussions, we aim to promote awareness that contributes to the promotion of the SDGs and to the realization of well-being.

Sub chairs
Pete Kines Denmark
Pete Kines
National Research Centre for the Working Environment
Senior Researcher, Safety Culture and Accidents
Yoshitaka Morito Japan
Yoshitaka Morito
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT)
Director of Engineering Affairs Division

Promoting i-Construction and improving safety at construction site

Naotaka Kikkawa Japan
Naotaka Kikkawa
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Japan (JNIOSH)
Senior Researcher

Issues and Future on Occupational Safety of Construction Industry in Japan

Currently, the main role and responsibility for health and safety during construction in Japan lies with the contractor. However, if safety during construction is taken into consideration from the upstream stage of a construction project, more definitive safety measures can be taken. Therefore, in this study, we investigated overseas good practices and collected the good examples of safety considerations during construction from the design stage. As a result, it was found that Europe, the U.S., Singapore, and other countries are promoting social frameworks that consider safety during construction from the design stage. This presentation systematically summarizes these findings and discusses the future prospects for the construction industry in Japan.

Hiroshi Hashimoto Japan
Hiroshi Hashimoto
General Manager, Facilities Management Office, Facilities Division

Making expressway safer by adapting Safety 2.0 (Collaborative Safety)

West Nippon Expressway Engineering Kansai is a group company of West Nippon Expressway Company Limited, which is responsible for the maintenance and management of expressway in the West Japan region.

In order to contribute to the development of local communities and the improvement of people’s lives, the NEXCO West Group is working tirelessly to ensure the safety, comfort, punctuality and reliability of expressways.

In this presentation, the latest tunnel lighting system that encourages drivers to take safe actions through dynamic lighting control, and the warning system that incorporates sensors into traffic control equipment to protect workers in the traffic control area from unexpected accidents, as well as other advanced technologies in the expressway industry that we have adopted in recent years to achieve a higher level of safety and security will be explained.


Hidesato Kojima Japan
Hidesato Kojima
Shimizu Corporation
General Manager, Civil Engineering Division

Bringing Safety 2.0 technology to civil engineering sites to improve safety and security in the workplace

In Japan, while the working-age population is drastically decreasing, fatal and serious accidents in the construction industry account for about 40% of all industrial accidents. In order to establish a safe and security workplace in the construction industry, more advanced safety support systems are needed.

The innovative safety support system will be realized by managing the construction production process as a Digital Twin (Cyber-Physical System). By connecting the digital data of people, machines, and workplace obtained through the latest ICT and IoT to the platform, an organic linkage between cyber construction and physical construction will become possible.

We will introduce a proof of concept called Shimz XXR Vision that provides a safe and security in the workplace.

Satoru Miura Japan
Satoru Miura
Kajima Corporation
Principle Researcher

Development of an automated construction system - Aiming for a dramatic increase in productivity and safety

Wang Jian China
Wang Jian
China Communications Construction Company Limited (CCCC)
Vice President

Promoting safe development, driving high-quality enterprise development


Susie Hardie Austria
Susie Hardie
Schwarz Hara Consult
Senior Scientific and Technical Consultant

Improving safety while minimising environmental impacts: reassessing radwaste disposal​

It is recognised that expanding nuclear power is an essential component of moving towards Vision Zero, but this requires public acceptance. One of the greatest barriers to this is assuring the safe management of all resultant radioactive wastes. Geological disposal is essential to such management, but most current concepts were developed decades ago and focused on the fundamental feasibility of implementation, rather than optimisation, to improve safety and environmental impacts (especially for construction). In this paper, the fundamentals of geological disposal are re-assessed – with a focus on the particularly challenging boundary conditions in Japan, and, by using knowledge management tools to facilitate lateral thinking, the potential for major performance gains is illustrated.

Dietmar Elsler Germany
Dietmar Elsler
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA)
Project Manager | Prevention and Research Unit

LIFT-OSH: Leverage instruments for OSH through supply chain initiatives in the construction sector

The objective of the project is to inspire mutual international learning about effective market leverage instruments for occupational safety and health (OSH) in supply chains in the construction industry.

First a comprehensive literature review will analyse the state of research regarding market leverage covering both empirical and more generic and theory-based studies. At a second stage more than 30 case studies from several European countries will analyse buyer-supplier dyads regarding best practices. The lessons learned of the project will be shared in a series of interactive workshops with key European stakeholders, such as social partners, enterprises and labour inspectorates.

Karl-Heinz Noetel Germany
Karl-Heinz Noetel
ISSA Section on Prevention in the Construction Industry

Vision Zero tools used and developed by the ISSA Construction Section

The role of the Section ISSA-Construction is primary to ensure the supervision on the state of practice and knowledge and contribute to the implementation of best practices taking into account the socio-economic and cultural context of the countries in the world.

The fatality rate in the field of construction is still higher than that in other industries.

With its prevention strategy “Vision Zero” ISSA Construction ─ by using appropriate preventive measures ─ seeks to create a working environment where no individual is injured or killed at work nor suffers from serious injuries or occupational diseases. To achieve this, ISSA Construction are using the seven Golden Rules as a basis and describes measures which contribute to meeting the named objectives.

Pete Kines Denmark
Pete Kines
National Research Centre for the Working Environment
Senior Researcher, Safety Culture and Accidents

Key performance indicators for integrating safety, health and wellbeing in construction business processes

There is a need for integrating ‘proactive’ key performance indicators (KPI) for safety, health and wellbeing (SHW) into construction business process, as supplements to traditional ‘reactive’ indicators such as injuries (accidents) and sickness absence.  A selection of proactive and leading KPIs will be presented, such as following up and learning from toolbox meetings and safety rounds, which have shown to be effective in preventing construction injuries in many countries. Additional KPIs can deal with integrating SHW in on-boarding, (refresher) training, procurement, as well as leadership commitment and worker involvement, and can be adapted to small, medium and large construction companies.

Juan Manuel Cruz Spain
Juan Manuel Cruz
Industrial relations,H&S and Sustainability Director

Digital Solutions for Construction on Uncertainty Scenarios

Along 2020 and due to the pandemic rules, we have had to balance two different streams: First at all Infrastructures, Construction and Operation have been considered essential activities all around the world. Not only civil works but also water supply, ports, railways became critical services for the society.

But on the other side, mobility was seriously restricted and the expert physical assistance to sites and projects was seriously limited.

In that scenario, technology based on VR, AR and IoT has been rapidly incorporated to OHS practices and procedures.

Today, we have implemented a set of new solutions that allows Acciona to maintain the highest standards of technical support, audit processes and control of the highest challenging activities as heavy constructions, mining, bridges and other risky activities as infrastructures maintenance under remote on line capability to act and support our local resources with the best experts wherever they are in any moment.

The future will recover presential activities but the resources for monitoring in real time all the activities globally will remain and will change the OHS policies and personal skills.

Sabine Herbst Germany
Sabine Herbst
German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV)
Dep. Section Manager Strategic Co-operation

An open error culture: learning opportunity for companies

A culture of prevention depends to a large extent on how errors and undesirable events are dealt with. In companies with an open error culture, errors are seen as learning opportunities. This is the case when the working atmosphere allows employees and supervisors to talk about mistakes without fear in order to learn from them. An open discussion of mistakes and their systematic evaluation can help prevent worse accidents from happening in the future and can lead to new ideas or even innovations. An open error culture goes hand in hand with other characteristics of a positive corporate culture: respectful interaction and a trusting working atmosphere. As role models, managers play a decisive role in shaping the corporate culture and thus also the error culture. For employees, on the other hand, it must be predictable what happens when something goes wrong.

Paul Gordon Haining United States of America
Paul Gordon Haining
Chief Environmental Health & Safety Officer

Digitizing PDCA

This presentation will cover how Skanska has digitized it’s ISO 45001 / 14001 providing a completely paperless management system that covers all environmental health and safety aspects of their business (Including COVID-19 aspects of risk and associated control processes)   The digitized software platform “PlanIt” has been developed internally at Skanska and is utilized from corporate level down to craft worker (Including Subcontractors) using mobile devices to identify risk factors and associated means and methods to mitigate using the most current best practices within the company data repository.   The control processes are continually enhanced and updated using a digital update feedback loop that follows the PDCA continuous improvement cycle ensuring both legal compliance and best practice applications are in place at all times.  The PlanIt program has been developed to be used in design, pre-construction and execution phases following the hierarchy of control model and has integrated remote video auditing (RVA) and artificial / human intelligence check function that feeds data and video snapshots of complaint and non-compliant behaviors to the frontline workers and supervision / project management.  This digital “Check” function is proving to be groundbreaking in changing worker behavior and advancing new technology at the cutting edge of the construction industry and holds huge potential for multi-industry application using predictive analysis that incorporates leading and lagging indicator assessment that optimizes schedule, quality, safety and profitability outcomes.

A H Khan India
A H Khan
Larsen & Toubro
Vice President & Head – Operations (Mumbai)

Commitment is key to well-being

India’s GDP has seen sustainable growth in recent years with flurry of activities in infrastructure sector.

Larsen & Toubro is pioneering the construction landscape of India.

With substantial unskilled and untrained workforce the construction is quite challenging.

With clear management mandate; innovative methods; robust incident investigation and digital intervention, L&T is driving towards its mission of “LIVE INJURY FREE EACH DAY”.

Its top management believes in training its workforce to create a safe and healthy work environment by shaping policy framework of the nation.

Commitment drives the policy and implementation is the key to well-being.