


インダストリアルCPS研究センター 研究センター長

Topic: モビリティ・自動車・無人搬送車(AGV)


Hirohisa Hirukawa Japan
Hirohisa Hirukawa
Invited Senior Researcher, Information Technology and Human Factors
移動機器の安全性 ー自動車とロボットの中でー

本講演では、自動車とロボットのうち、移動体の安全性について紹介する。 自動車からロボットまで、大きさ、速度、用途によって様々なタイプがある。 この型式によって、自動車に適用される交通法規や安全基準、国の型式認定や安全認証が決定される。 本講演では、型式、法規制、規格の分類を紹介し、最後に展望を述べる。

Emma Johansson Sweden
Emma Johansson
Technology Specialist: Human factors and automation
ビジョンゼロに向けて - ヒューマンファクターとオートメーション

Volvo Group offers trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers’ uptime and productivity. Volvo is committed to increase safety both with regards to our workplace as well as to the environments where our products are used. Volvo’s founders put SAFER as a top priority back in 1927 and we see collaboration with road authorities, research organizations and other vehicle manufacturers as key to reach our safety vision. We want to understand the casual factors to why accidents occur and when things go right. We see human error as a symptom, not a cause, of a system which needs to be re-designed. We also acknowledge that human behavior is variable. Humans can be both bad and extremely good at handling decision making and anticipate upcoming events and behavior of other road users. A key design principle is to make sure people and our developed technology together can avoid critical situations. Different design principles for advanced driver-assistance systems and higher levels of automation are presented.

Hiroki Murakami Japan
Hiroki Murakami
IHI Corporation
Technical Advisor of Corporate Research & Development
フィールドロボティクスへの挑戦~ 変わる屋外作業~
Tomonori Sanada Japan
Tomonori Sanada
Associate Officer Deputy Group Manager Product Planning Group,Sales Group Robot Business Division 

The work environment of robots will spread in environment of the human coexistence from the factory.
However, system integrators should deal with company’s own rules to manage robots in the factory, and the jurisdiction administration and laws and regulations to manage robots in the environment outside the factory are not fixed.
When the robot system should deal with diverse conditions, it causes design cost rising and obstructs the spread of robot business.
If there are the international standards such as performance indexes for each work environment, development speed will improve as well as cost reduction.

Walter Eichendorf Germany
Walter Eichendorf
Deutscher Verkehrssicherheitsrat (DVR)

交通安全に関するVision Zeroの戦略を説明します。自動運転への道とVision Zeroへの道がいかに一致しているかを示します。ドイツとEUの経験をもとに、10の対策を施すだけで、死亡事故や重大な交通事故の約90%を防ぐことができることを紹介します。私たちは、ほぼすべての死亡事故や重大な交通事故を防ぐ方法を知っていますが、この知識を道路に持ち込む必要があるのです。

Yutaka Hiwatashi Japan
樋渡 穣
Technical supervisor, Technical Division

Since the early days of Subaru, we have been striving for high safety performance based on the concept “Technology is for people”. The safety philosophy that has been handed down from generation to generation has led to the realization of Subaru’s unique “EyeSight” driving support system, which aims to “prevent collisions” in the first place. In this session, I explain the 30-year development history of EyeSight and the future of automated driving technology.

Hiroaki Kita Japan
Hiroaki Kita
Corporate Officer, Safety and Health Management

1. 安全性評価者の資格取得と位置づけ
2. 海外関係会社、現地従業員の安全活動とその状況
3. 交通事故の発生状況、社用車の安全対策としてのドライブレコーダーの使用状況

Hisashi Ichijo Japan
Hisashi Ichijo
Toyota Industries Corporation
Senior Executive Officer
AIチーム ロジスティクス

「AI Teamlogistics」をテーマに、物流業界における労働者の安全と健康、より良い労働環境の確保に向けた取り組みを中心に、当社や事例、2030年の物流ビジョンなどをご紹介します。


Stuart Hughes United Kingdom
Stuart Hughes
AMG PETRONAS Formula One Team
Head of Health and Safety

Stuart Hughes, Head of Health and Safety for Mercedes AMG PETRONAS FORMULA ONE TEAM, provides an insight into the workings the eight times consecutive World Champions. This presentation explores how OSH aligns and integrates into their high-performance environment, delivering on track performance. Focusing on leading with intent, performance under pressure, OSH leadership and empowering the employee voice. This presentation takes you behind the scenes and trackside, with insights from the Teams Leadership and employees to provide an understanding of how OSH is viewed as an enabler and can be utilised to deliver a competitive advantage in one of the sport’s most competitive environments.

Marvin Cheng United States of America
Marvin Cheng
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
General Research Engineer/Team Lead of Safety Control Team

The rapid growth of industrial applications using mobile and collaborative robots has generated new safety concerns in various workspaces. Though corresponding safety standards have regulated how a robot reacts when human workers are presented in a collaborative environment, physical characteristics and moving trajectories of robotic devices and end effectors can affect the trust in human-robot interaction. To provide a safe and comfortable workspace for human workers, it is necessary to understand the concerns of human workers while interacting with robotic devices. To enhance worker trust in the human-robots interaction, adequate interaction model needs to be integrated in robot operations. The research activities in this study adopted different machine vision techniques to acquire the movements of both robots and human workers in the same workspace. With the assistance of the adopted machine learning algorithms, both safety and trust can be taken into account.

Aaron Prather United States of America
Aaron Prather
Senior Technical Advisor

FedEx touches 99% of the world’s GDP. Moving millions of packages a day takes not only a lot of people, but a lot of automation and robotics. In this presentation, R&D Senior Advisor Aaron Prather, pulls back the curtain to show how robots and automation are getting your package to you on time and safely.